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O-G Sokoban

Release date: 5 July 2011

Solve mind-boggling puzzles in O-G Sokoban, an addictive brain teaser based on the classic Japanese game.

Moving the red cubes into their designated area sounds easy enough until you realize that you can only get them there by pushing forward. With strange board layouts and obstacles in your way, can you figure out the perfect pattern of movement to get them there? Sure, it sounds simple and most definitely possible, but just wait till you try it.

Enjoy 125 levels of addictive puzzle play as each gets more complex than the previous. Plan your course and make the moves but if you get stuck, don't worry because you can simply use the Undo button, or restart the entire level. See how quickly you can triumph or fail, or try to complete the puzzle in the lowest number of moves. It's tough, but don't give up!

See if you have what it takes to solve these fantastic puzzles when you try the free trial version or download the full-unlimited version of O-G Sokoban today!

Play O-G Sokoban for free - no obligation to buy!

O-G Sokoban features

  • Enjoy 125 levels of addictive brain teasers in this fun Puzzle game.
  • Test your logic and figure out how to move the cubes to their designated area.
  • Use the Undo or Restart buttons if you get in a bind.
  • Challenge yourself with fewer moves or faster times.
  • No time limit and an easy game mechanic allow anyone to pick up and play.

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